Project Properties window
Project Properties window allows to create new project or edit properties of existing project.
General tab
Project Name
Specifies project name. It is recommended to use short and descriptive project.
Example: My Main Website
Root folder
Specifies the folder that contains project files and sub folders.
Example: c:\websites\mysite
Files of type
Specifies the type(s) of files to be included in the project. This field should contain valid file masks separated with semicolon (;)
Example: *.htm;*.txt;*.gif;*.jpg
Publishing Settings tab
FTP directory
Specifies FTP directory for the project. Click Select button to specify valid FTP directory.
Library Paths tab
List of library folders
Shows currently added library folders.
Adds new folder containing library files.
Removes selected library folder from the list.
Refresh Library Data
Processes files contained within the specified library folders.
Since the library data processing may be a lengthy procedure, it is not done automatically. Use this button to process library data when new files are added and when the old files are changed.