Plugin samples
Dialog Window
The plugin will display dialog window and insert Canvas tag on OK.
function DpiAdjust(x) {
return Round(x * Script.DpiScale);
function InsertCanvas(Sender) {
var f = new TForm(WeBuilder);
f.Width = DpiAdjust(200);
f.Height = DpiAdjust(185);
f.BorderStyle = bsSingle; //disable dialog resizing
f.BorderIcons = biSystemMenu; //remove maximize & minimize buttons
f.Caption = "Canvas";
var lbID = new TLabel(f);
lbID.Parent = f;
lbID.Caption = "ID:";
lbID.SetBounds(DpiAdjust(14), DpiAdjust(19), DpiAdjust(40), DpiAdjust(15));
var txtID = new TEdit(f);
txtID.Parent = f;
txtID.SetBounds(DpiAdjust(72), DpiAdjust(16), DpiAdjust(98), DpiAdjust(23));
var lbWidth = new TLabel(f);
lbWidth.Parent = f;
lbWidth.Caption = "Width:";
lbWidth.SetBounds(DpiAdjust(14), DpiAdjust(48), DpiAdjust(40), DpiAdjust(15));
var txtWidth = new TEdit(f);
txtWidth.Parent = f;
txtWidth.SetBounds(DpiAdjust(72), DpiAdjust(45), DpiAdjust(98), DpiAdjust(23));
var lbHeight = new TLabel(f);
lbHeight.Parent = f;
lbHeight.Caption = "Height:";
lbHeight.SetBounds(DpiAdjust(14), DpiAdjust(77), DpiAdjust(40), DpiAdjust(15));
var txtHeight = new TEdit(f);
txtHeight.Parent = f;
txtHeight.SetBounds(DpiAdjust(72), DpiAdjust(74), DpiAdjust(98), DpiAdjust(23));
var btnOk = new TButton(f);
btnOK.Parent = f;
btnOk.SetBounds(DpiAdjust(14), DpiAdjust(120), DpiAdjust(75), DpiAdjust(25));
btnOk.Caption = "OK";
btnOk.Default = True;
btnOK.ModalResult = mrOK;
var btnCancel = new TButton(f);
btnCancel.Parent = f;
btnCancel.SetBounds(DpiAdjust(95), DpiAdjust(120), DpiAdjust(75), DpiAdjust(25));
btnCancel.Caption = "Cancel";
btnCancel.Cancel = True;
btnCancel.ModalResult = mrCancel;
var r = f.ShowModal;
if (r == mrOK) {
InsertCanvasTagInEditor(txtId.Text, txtWidth.Text, txtHeight.Text);
delete f;
function InsertCanvasTagInEditor(id, width, height) {
s = "<canvas";
if (id != "")
s += " id=\"" + id + "\"";
if (width != "")
s += " width=\"" + width + "\"";
if (height != "")
s += " height=\"" + height + "\"";
s += "></canvas>";
Editor.SelText = s;
var Sel = Editor.Selection;
Sel.SelStart += Sel.SelLength;
Sel.SelLength = 0;
Editor.Selection = Sel;
Script.RegisterDocumentAction("", "Insert Canvas", "", &InsertCanvas);