Getting started
To use Rapid SEO Tool properly, you must first understand what is SEO and how it works. If you are new to SEO, please first read the short 5-minute SEO Jumpstart Guide available from the SEO Jumpstart Guide tab.
Basically Rapid SEO Tool works like this
- You enter your web page address, up to 4 selected keywords and up to 2 competitor page addresses.
- Click Analyze and wait for Rapid SEO Tool to process the data.
- Optimization Report tab is populated with data.
- You can then browse the complete report or simply click on Suggestions to see what has to be done to get better search engine positioning.
- Repeat this process each time you make changes to your web page until you have fulfilled reasonable amount of suggestions.
- You should see changes in your search engine position within one to six weeks.
- Rapid SEO Tool is by no means the only or the ultimate SEO solution. It simply helps you do many SEO tasks faster and easier. To achieve even better results, be pro-active, read about SEO on the web and try various other things and tools too.